Woodlawn Feasibility Study


  • Site Selection- Assessment of the overall area to locate the most desirable site for a campus setting that is sustainable and community focused for a project that include health, wellness and early education.
  • Due Diligence- Identify property readiness and existing conditions, neighborhood amenities and uses
  • Plan- Create a conceptual site plan for graphically depiction of site and relationship to neighborhood. This plan will include green space, parking, and relationship to the community.
  • Financials- Create a financing plan including uses, partners/providers, ownership structure, capital budget and operational budget. Source of funds could range from traditional loans, tax credits, TIF, etc
  • Stakeholder- Interact with local stakeholders
  • Schedule- Create a development Schedule with project activity details

Executive Summary – Detail
The development feasibility report is an advisement tool for community stakeholders to provide an assessment of the area Woodlawn (specifically around the Cottage Grove and 63rd intersections) for a proposed development complex to house a health, wellness and early education complex.
Community Need
A complex that provides community services would reinforce the need for a healthier, enriching and prosperous environment for deserving Woodlawn residents. This community development would complement the robust efforts of other meaningful initiatives such as, Woodlawn Choice Neighborhood Transformation Plan, Woodlawn Children’s Promise report, the original City of Chicago Woodlawn Redevelopment Plan and the Woodlawn Preservation and Investment Corporation Rebuilding the Village Quality of Life Plan Report.
Original Scope
The campus development ideally would include uses such as an early childhood center (approximately 21,000sf), primary care center (approximately 24,000sf), recreational facility (approximately 8,000sf), library (approximately 11,000-14,000sf), green space, play areas, common space, potentially an art center and required parking. The total land area needed for the original plan is approximately 175,000sf.
There were seven proposed site locations. Two that are existing school buildings and four that are vacant land. The locations were reviewed for many criteria of positive and detractive components for a successful development, including but not limited to: site readiness, zoning, sustainability, access to transportation, costs, timeframe, local amenities, ease of construction, and integration of streetscape, etc. Two of the four vacant sites may be difficult to acquire;

Woodlawn Development Feasibility Analysis sketch

Sample Sketch for development